Saturday, September 09, 2006

Is Criticism an Art?

This may be a topic widely spoken about and also something I have discussed on occasion. But I thought it would be useful to explore at length the finer aspects of this almost forgotten art - constructive criticism. Yeah, I realise this term is perhaps as clichéd as it gets but then you have to admit that this is perhaps the root cause of most misunderstandings - personal or professional. Don't agree? Ok, when was the last time your boss said that your work sucks (!), or well something just a bit more civilised? Or perhaps your spouse or parent gave you a piece of their mind and basically made you fret and fume all day long?! Has something on these lines ever happened to you and made you wish people knew how to critisise with more poise?

If you have reached this far I am assuming that I have your attention! A friend of mine talks about his rather nit-picking dad. I would not call him a nag per se - he seems the picture of perfection - the ever smiling, affectionate dad. Yeah, I have witnessed the dad in question reprimand his son for leaving bags lying around or something equally frivolous, but do stuff like this classify him as a nag? In any case, fact is that my friend is on frayed nerves around his dad!

The way I see it, I think people should really consider being more empathetic when pointing out another's follies. Afterall if you have to put your displeasure in words why be mean and scathing? Trust me, criticising nicely will not spoil the effect of the admonition! And giving virtual dressing downs will only earn one the reputation of a tyrant. So is criticism a key area to work on in building relationships? Absolutely!


RC Mishra said...

Hmm thinkful Thoughts!

Dew Drop said...

Nice one Sowmya..
Wish people knew this...

I have something closely related to this coming up soon... Have not had the real time to pen it down...

Then, How are u?
Tried to reach u early this month, then got held up with things....

Send a mail and keep writing..

Photos, emails, stories all welcome... in fact i miss calling out your name the way I do.. :)
